Thursday, March 26, 2009

Raining and Doodling

It's raining outside right now...which mean people are going crazy...things i notice about rainy days....

1. everyone complains all day long...just cause the weather is in a bad mood doens't mean you have to be too...comon we need the rain! enjoy it!
2. on campus everyone has umbrellas but everyone is confused when it is appropiate to whip them sprinkles warrant umbrellas...or like when you walking under a walkway and 100 yards later your gonna be rained on again - what do you do with your umbrella? just hold it above your head for no reason or put it down just to put it back up in 46 seconds?
3. speaking of school, i really hate how dead campus is...except for the library of course with is exceptionally packed...but at least everyone is 'studying'

speaking of the library...i havn't been in here in like 2 weeks and i must say the construction is coming along quite nicely! its kinda sad how cool our school is becoming now that i am leaving...i am going to try to snatch a picture of the computer desk that i am currently blogging on with my iPhone to upload later...just have to figure out how to do so without looking like a creeper!

hmm im in a quite pleasant mood today...i shall update this later....just wanted to get my thoughts down before i forgot them...rain boots = unnessecary.....

cute pictures in my notebook i decided to share with you all...great way to spend cellular biology lecture...enjoy :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Price of Life

So InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a pretty awesome fellowship that I am a part of and it is the first time in my life that I really have been presented with the question of what Jesus would do to answer the problems of injustice in the world. Its pretty awesome. So at Breakthrough, a retreat that we had, we were presented with the fact that human sex trafficking is the 3rd largest illegal industry in the world. Honestly, I didn't even know what sex trafficking meant. So it is when people are sold as a commodity and forced to have sex. After the retreat Ana, our staff worker, showed us a movie so that we could feel the heart of the oppressed. We watch and these girls are 8-12 years old, sometimes even younger and are taken from their homes, drugged, beaten and sold for 100-200 dollars as a sex slave. Then they are forced to 'service' men who pay around 20 to have sex with them. When the girls refuse they are beaten into submission and eventually give in. It's absolutely disgusting. And the most disgusting thing is that very few people knows this happens or know that it happens in the UNITED STATES IN YOUR STATE IN YOUR TOWN! What if your 8 year old sister didn't come home one day after school? What if 6 years later she was dropped back off at your house, obviously disturbed, after you had already held a funeral for her because you thought she had been dead for many years now. She tells you she has had sex with over 1,000 men, has ad 12 abortions and is HIV positive. Insane right? The fact is this happens!

So we educated our campus about this with proxy stations up for four days and held a big event called The Price Of Life. We had four proxy stations set up around campus. Two of them were mattress' that said Satisfy your Craving on them. We would give students 500 dollars (in fake money) and ask them how they would satisfy their sexual cravings. The options on the mattress were things like $0 - Booty Call, $50 - Fancy Dinner, $200 - Child Sex Slave....and a lot others. They would read through them all and pin their money on the event they would choose and it allowed us to start the conversation of yes child sex slaves are how some people satisfy their cravings. The other two proxy stations were like a panel, made of wood, that had different injustices that face us on a day to day basis. Some of the options were racism, being poor, cancer, addiction and a bunch others. We would give students those neon dot stickers and they would put them in the box of things that they were dealing with in their lives. We would then start the conversation that God cares about the injustice in their life. They were awesome!

The Price of Life is a game show that was played just like The Price is Right. After the contestants were called down they would bid on young girls, or boys, for a certain length of time. Once you made it to an actual game you could win prizes. Luckily, we had the support of 13 other Christian organizations on campus and 4 surrounding churches so we got really awesome prizes. About 250 people came out so it was pretty successful! First we showed everyone the beginning of the movie that Ana had showed us and kind of did a disclaimer about how some of the things the contesetants would be bidding on would be awkward and hard to think about. Then they played the first round - with the big wheel. hahah acutally the thing that slowed the wheel was a couple of index cards so it took forever! it was kinda funny. Then the founders of Embassy of Hope (an organization that helps women transition from being a sex slave back into society) talked about warning signs, truths about trafficking, and stories about what has happened in our city. They also did a little message about how God can work in your life and cares about you as well. Then they played the second round, the wheel again, long again. Then Ana talked about why Jesus cares about injustice and how following Jesus in your own life and caring about injustice in the world go hand in hand and you can't do one without the other. Ana was pretty awesome and everyone was clapping for her and going crazy! soo cool to see! Then they played the Showcase Showdown! As students, we haven't had an opportunity to see the response cards yet but I know it will be great when we do 'cause God is great! I can't wait! And if you have never heard about this issue, educate yourself. Watch the movie The Day My God Died, join your local Coalition to Stop Human Trafficking, tell everyone you know because they probably don't know either and figure out who, in your area, you would call should you see suspicious signs of human trafficking.

One of the main messages of the night was not only does Jesus care about the injustice of sex trafficking but he also cares about the injustice in your life - and you! Jesus wants to know you....yes youuuuuuuuuuuu!

On a personal note, about 8 of my sorority sisters and my wing crew went out the event! It made me so happy for them to one support me, and two care about this issue. The best thing is it has opened the door for me to have spiritual conversations with them. AND one of the girls in my sorority was moved so much that she has contacted Ana and wants to show the video to my whole chapter! God is good :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How to Walk In a Hallway

i really hate when people don't know how to walk in a hallway, a crowded school hallway! i didn't know it had to be taught...but here are a few pointers:

  • if you want to stand in the hallway rather than walk, please go to the sides, please do not stand directly in the middle
  • if you don't know where your class is walk on the sides, you'll be able to see the classroom numbers easier and you wont have to stop in the middle and do that turn around where i am thing and totally stop the flow of people
  • walk at a reasonable pace, please dont walk like your 95 - and if your 95 please dont be in the hallway when class lets out
  • should you see someone with a guitar walking behind you and you stop they will hit you with their guitar case and they wont want to apologize because you dont just STOP in the hallway

yay! im glad thats over with :) so im gonna update this about The Price of Life event..but im at work so thats all for now..

This link is so incredibly cool! Check it out!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


sooo I had a really great talk this morning in my cell bio lab. before i tell you about the talk i must tell you that this talk really made my morning because: a. i was up till 3:30am completing lab homework b. none of the before mentioned homework ended up being due c. my lab is at 7:30am which means I literally had about two and half hours of anyways i really wasn't having the best morning* of my life today!

Nam, is Vietnamese and is in my lab group. He is at least 45min late everyday and flirts with our TA to be able to take the quiz that late. In fact most of my lab group is at least 30min late....leaving me and Nicole to do all the work. Well, today I was the first person in lab from my group, as usual, and start the experiment. When everyone else got there I stopped working on the experiment and decided to do my prelab. Nam walks in and decides to write his prelab with me. We were talking about random stuff and then I asked him if his culture is really strict about dating outside his race. He said yes, and that believes Asians are extremely racist. He said that his parents would be extremely upset if for instance he brought home a white girl. He said that his parents are very afraid that he would lose his culture. We proceeded to talk about what it means to blend cultures and not choose one over the other and how the 'right' girl would never ask him to compromise his culture but would embrace it and celebrate it with him and that he should do the same with hers, whatever it may be.

We talked about that for like an hour and then I asked him if he would date outside his race if thats who he fell in love with. He said YES! very exciting! I love when people realize things about their parents/culture/upbringing that aren't in line with what they really want for themselves and then actually live differently than that. Mainly because I am trying to do that and some things are a reallly big struggle for me and it assures me that I'm not the only one plus other people are examining their own lives as I have with mine recently.

Fun Fact: In Vietnam you say your last name, middle name, then first name. So Nam's name in Vietnamese is Viet Nam! He said his parents named him that so that he would not forget the culture of his 'homeland'. It was pretty interesting!

*On the way to school I did turn the radio to KLOVE randomly, a Christian radio station here but it is broadcast nation wide, and loved all the songs that came on! It was pretty awesome because I was in a really sucky mood and really needed like an outlet (which is what worshiping is for me - its very powerful) since I was gonna be working in a group dynamic. Also, one of my classes was canceled today so I got my nap! YAY! i acutally just woke up from it :)

PRICE OF LIFE IS TONITE AND I WILL POST ABOUT IT TOMORROW BUT ITS GONNA BE SOOOO INCREDIBLY AWESOME! i am acutally looking for my camera now so i can post pictures :) hmm but sad day ::: havn't seen my camera in a week....and ive been looking :(

im reading this blog for grammar uhh changes (?) i dont know the correct word but if you look down here DOWN you will see the time this is posted.....ITS WRONG! weird
peace out