Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Good Company

Sunday, Valentines Day, Corey and I went to Beorne for a little girlie brunch and some antique shopping.  We ate at this adorable little cafe called Peach Tree.  I brought my camera along so I could practice using it, and to see what it would be like lugging it around all day, like I will be doing in NYC!
they were having complimentary mimosa's so of course Corey and I had to take them up on their offer...this was my first mimosa experience and I must say...i really enjoyed them! fancy pants!
then we enjoyed cute little girly food.  Corey made the comment that her Dad never knows what to order at this little place, probably because burger or steak is no where to be found on the menu.  I had a BLTA (A is for Avacado) sandwhich and Tomato Basil soup.  delicous!  they also have these little cheese rolls - OMG they are to die for!
then we strolled up and down main street shopping in all the little antique shops and cute clothing boutique's!  i will have to share my fabulous finds with you some other time.  By the way...I really want to take some professional pictures right under that awning...Beorne is beatiful...and just look at the was perfect!  Great girly Valentines Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Curds 'n Way

this is what I looked like right after I worked out last night
little did I know milk was curdling in my stomach
and I would spend all night next to my toliet
throwing up
last night was absolutely horrible
and today is not much better

Thursday, February 11, 2010

blair waldorf

this is me at work today...look inspired by blair waldorf
Corey got me this headband for Christmas from Ann Taylor
sooo thank you Core!
In other news, it's another gross, cold day in Texas...we aren't cut out for this crap!
and the birthday is in 13 days!
and New York is only 29 days!
"rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey"
love country music please!

Monday, February 8, 2010

sports girl fail

if you know me at all then you know i am a sports girl...i love football, i know and can spot penalties, i know different offensives, pretty much i can hang with the boys in football talk.  Impressive, eh?
but this girl did not watch the superbowl!
instead i drank this...

and watched this...

and fell in love with Jim (John Krasinski) all over again!
perfect (almost perfect) Sunday night
...almost because Corey's car was broken into earlier in the night, her window is now taped up because the motor is broken but we are all okay and her car is okay as well...

Photo via iPhone using ShakeIt Photo App

Friday, February 5, 2010

Pilates Reformer

so i may or may not have told you guys that i have been going to the gym in this new year, and by going to the gym i mean waking up at 530a and going every morning before work and 3 nights a week...and Saturday.  yes i have skipped out on a couple days and yes i had the flu and couldn't work out a few days but basically i have kind of made the gym part of my lifestyle. 

so my gym has this class called Pilates Reformer.  it cost extra. therefore i was super hesitant about signing up for the class...i think paying for a gym membership is enough - why pay more for classes?  but my work out partner really wanted to try Pilates so we went to the free, let me intize you to spend $50 extra for a class, try this crazy apparatus class.

so this has been me the last 4 weeks.  yes i signed up for the class.  yes it kicks my ass every time i work out.  yes my back spasms every class because teacher says Abbey posture.  sometimes i want to just kick her.  but i have found Pilates Reformer really does make you much stronger in your core and really does make you aware of your posture.  i try to sit straighter at work now....i dont try it when im walking...i need to develop some more back muscles for that.  how sad am i ?

but hey im working out!
and i might be starting to love it
but dont tell anyone!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

my long lost boys

(Travis, Patrick, and Michael)

I miss you guys so much!  Life needs to slow down so that we can have a few more nights like the one this was taken.  How cute are you three? haha I can't stop smiling when I look at this picture!
Travis - have a smore night around your fire pit please
Patrick - cowboys dance hall?
Michael - stop working till 11pm every night, im an old lady, i can't hang!
come back into my life you three!  now!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Taco Fresco

so have you heard those new Taco Bell commericals about their new Fresco line?  well last night that became my dinner.  I got one crunchy taco and one soft taco.  To be honest I don't know what the real difference is between the normal tacos and the fresco tacos, except that the fresco's have pico on them instead of plain tomatos - upgrade yaaa!
Crunchy Fresco Taco = 150 calories
Soft Fresco Taco = 180 calories
Normal Crunchy Taco = 170 calories
Normal Soft Taco = 210 calories
so I saved myself 50 calories
and didn't sacrifice taste
overall good call...but not much better for you
PS: I don't believe in Drive-Thru REALLY!
also im in desperate need of groceries!
PSSSS - look at my cute new nail polish!  fall in love!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Grammy Dress Loves

did you watch the Grammy's?
i admit to only watching the red carpet
and drooling over the following...
and this girls body is just plain sick...and why i was motivated to hop on the good ole treadmill this morning...what do you think she does to look like that?

and for the downright ugly....
first lady gaga and her constallation dress...WHAT..

please notice those crazy heels...that girl did good just walking!
her second outfit was crazy as well...and poor boy behind her couldn't see the show because she had a crazy, glittery spike helmet on...this girl...
oh and don't forget miss spears!
i mean really....
doesn't she have a stylist?  fire her/him please!

bye bye loves
happy monday