Monday, March 29, 2010

pretty epic.

follow this link to see the most amazing picture ever.
the Texas Men's Swimming and Diving team take first at the NCAAs!
it's a great day to be a longhorn
for the win AND the picture
so proud

Friday, March 26, 2010


While in NY we went bowling.  Okay so let me set this up for you all so you know how epic my bowling game was this night.  So Matt, a guy on our trip, is a great bowler.  Great as in owns his own bowling ball and shoes and plays on a league.  Not great has in professional but if you play that much you should be better than me.  My goal all night was to beat Matt.  Game 3, I bowl 167 (don't judge) to beat Matt!  I also bowled a turkey (three strikes in a row) to finish out the game and secure my victory.  I'm kinda a badass, just saying...It was so much fun!  I do have one question though - Why must I always run into Sooner fans when I'm out? 
oh yea

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lady Liberty

Miss Liberty is one mesmorizing lady.  Hopfeully, we will meet again!
good times.  and yes, it was during the crazy storm in NYC!
luckily, we were inside the statue during the heavy rain.

Monday, March 22, 2010

im back.

so I'm back in the good 'ole state of Texas (at work - DUMB) but I must heart is still in New York, along with the not so runny version of my nose and my first of two metro cards.  Sigh.
wising I was still here, in Battery Park.
more pictures to come!

Friday, March 12, 2010

i brain you.

a pretty interesting thought overwhelmed me this morning on the eliptical (while watching Saved by the Bell, Zac and Kelly's wedding in Vegas).  Why do people use a heart as a symbol of love?  You don't feel anything in your heart, the heart doesn't control any pleasure centers or release any endorphins or seratonin.  A heart is a muscle. A strong muscle that beats.  BEATS not LOVES.  so when you say i heart you, meaning you love me, all i now think of is i beat you...which is not okay!  this is seriously very intriguing to me and I'm going to figure out how this came to be.

...on antoher note...
i'm boarding a plane headed to Philly tonight and will be in NYC the following afternoon!  im stoked! and prayign that i dont forget anythign and that my camera cards are big enough to hold all the amazing pictures i will be taking! hahah...but really...

by the way you can find my research of the heart here
i mean if your interested
(yes i looked it up....stop're a jerk)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


what would you say if someone asked you why you believe this book called the bible and about the stories and saving grace of a peasant named Jesus?  do you stop and think or is the answer at the tip of your tongue ready for the question to be asked?  why is giving our testimony to non-believers, or other believers for that matter, so hard?  why does it make us feel so vulnerable?
 why aren't we prepared?

1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."
boldness is hard but asked of us often
be ready


my birthday was back in Feburary but due to my computer problems i didn't get a chance to post my birthday pictures so i thought that i would post some today!
I had the best 23rd Birthday ever.
Every Wednesday I go to a bible study and my group threw me a suprise party and then my college friends and sisters (sorority) threw me another suprise party after.  It was really special....I've never had a suprise anything and just felt really loved my by friends.

my birthday cookie cake
sorry bible study im not posting our is horrid

me blowing out my sparkly candles at Michaels house...and yes that is champange

Michael and this kid!  thanks for everything!

some of us at Houlihan's

Lindsay, Me and Jaclyn

....and the sillyness ensues...

thanks for the best birthday everyone!  LOVE YOU ALL!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

hoarder vs. herder

so my co-workers and i have a hunch that our boss might be a little bit of a hoarder.  so, of course, the logical thing to do would be to look up the symptoms and diagnose her right?  so we go to the Mayo Clinic website and find this....

Hoarding animals:
People who hoard animals may collect dozens or even hundreds of pets. They usually hoard animals that can be confined inside and concealed more easily. Because of their sheer numbers, these animals often aren't cared for properly. Veterinarians may be the first to notice signs of animal hoarding when owners seek help for a steady stream of sick or injured pets.

hahaha and Lindsey immediately goes I want to meet someone who hoards animals.
but wouldn't they be called herders?
i die!


basically my friends are cooler than i am
just look at 'em

andrea and chris were in town from we had a sleepover!

these cool kids even rolled their own cigs
who does that?

Friday, March 5, 2010


please hurry.
im ready to swim!
these are the boys from The Cab, check out their album Whisper War, good poolside jams!
.what cuties.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


i express my distaste for me home computer all the time right? right!  so i ususally blog (mostly) from work so i can add my cute little pictures and stuff.  well, the last two weeks my office has been in a bit of a remodel, meaning i do not have a computer or my own space in which to blog from.  which really sucks because i would love to update you all on my birthday craziness and my weekend home.  but for now i guess this measly picture will have to do.

since i will be here in 6 days!
i hope to be reunited with my blog soon.
i misses her!

"One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years." ~ Thomas Wolfe