Thursday, December 9, 2010

UFO Club: 26

no I am not drinking beer one at a time now, although it looks like it.  I blog my beers per visit so when I only have one beer I only blog about one beer.  okay so now that that (ha!) is taken care of....

I knew I didn't like it when people celebrated Christmas in November....yes I had this beer in November if you are wondering, I'm not that crazy. But I did not like it!  Anchor puts out a Christmas Ale annually, this brew (the 2010 brew) is the 36th annual Christmas Ale.  All I could think of as I drank this beer was NUTMEG!  tons and tons of I guess if you are a fan of nutmeg flavor you will enjoy this beer.  nutmeg is also the Christmas tie in here in case you are wondering, I don't really get it but I don't cook Christmas dinners or desserts so maybe nutmeg is the spice of choice in those such items....i don't know.  There is a fruity bite to this beer as well, a cranberry or cherry taste - couldn't distinguish between the two.  (so I take notes while tasting the beers so I can accurately blog about my experience.  on this card i wrote anchor [female sign] less O.S.H., [male sign] better than O.S.H. I have no clue what that means now.  but if you can decipher - knock your socks off!)  Anchor brewery is located in San Francisco, home of the gays and a big red bridge! ...and other things I am sure, but I have never been!  Also this brewery takes careful consideration on how it designs it's bottles for the eight different beer varieties.  Def check out their website about the history of the design if interested!  Again this beer is cool but just isn't for me.  Too malty!'s that after-taste that gets me every time, I can't do it.  I want to like this beer though and look forward to trying more from this brewery.

PS - this was the first time I used the Flying Saucer's new touch screen for the UFO Club receipt print....they have this in Houston so I guess it was my second time but my first in San Antonio! Rad!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

UFO Club: 25!

one random day, before going to the movies with boyfriend, if I remember right, we decided to go to the Flying Saucer.  And this is the day I had my 25th beer, which is a milestone if I do say so myself because that means that I am 1/8th of the way to the finish line of this journey.  so like if this was a marathon (which I kind of feel like it is in the drinking world) I would be at the 3.275 mile mark...haha okay so that sounds pretty pathetic.  maybe I will never compare my experience to a marathon again....never....

okay so drum roll for number 25 please...dump boop clap bump clunk....(in case you were wondering that was a written drum roll) that was cooler in my head....

(512) Bruin - 2 Stars

So obviously this beer is DARK!  Way dark so I was pretty scared. haha I don't know why it makes me so nervous because honestly I have liked a lot of dark beers that I have tried but still I freak a little.  This beer started out good but quickly turned on me, and hence the 2 stars.  512 brewery is located in Austin (obviously!) just about an hour from San Antonio so it is always fun to drink a local brew.  The bruin is pretty smooth with a rich maltiness to accompany it's mahogany color.  A good winter brew.  

okay so you might be saying to yourself, hmmm what happened to your hair?  how can you even talk about the bruin without addressing your crazy hair first?  okay so this is the truth.  i tried to do some cool hair-do that i saw in style magazine where you braid your hair while wet let it dry in braids and then curl the braids, take them out and to get a very voluminous do.  Well that's a load of bullshit.  All you get is 80's craziness.  So there you go!

yes i realize sometimes i capitalize sentences properly and sometimes i don' doesn't bother me, if it bothers you I'M bothers boyfriend but he doesn't say anything.
...because he is awesome!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

UFO Club: 22, 23 and 24

so boyfriend and I found out something very cool about The Flying Saucer recently, you can actually take beer to go as long as it is in a bottle.  so we can go pick up some beers and enjoy them at home.  we decided to do this a couple of weeks ago (I know I suck hardcore and should have blogged about these much sooner!) for beer twenty-two through twenty-four! whoop!

Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA - 1 Star

Okay so I don't have a picture of this one!  I know that is two sucky blogger points in one post and I am very sorry for that, please forgive me.  BUT the reason that this beer is not pictured is because I could not even finish it, it was so bad.  Really guys, I haven't found an IPA that is right for me.  I just do not like them.    The Torpedo was very hoppy and had a cirtus-y flavor, with the horrible IPA after taste that make IPA's horribly gross! ha!

Real Ale Full Moon Rye - 4 Stars

So I have tried this beer before doing this club so I knew that I liked this beer.  Real Ale brewery is located in Blanco, Texas....just about 30 minutes from San Antonio.  I love trying local beers and try to find local flavors wherever I can.  This is an amber ale that is really smooth and has just the right amount of hops to not overwhelm my little baby taste buds.  A good beer if you are into pale ale's and are looking for a slightly darker beer that you will still enjoy!  Also, just ignore the messy apartment photo.  And don't judge! 

Barbar Belgian Honey Ale - 3 Stars

We went and stayed at some cabins that my aunt has in the hill country one weekend and I brought my Barbar with me to drink out there.  (Shout out to White Ranch River Retreat...a great getaway from the city that YOU should check out!)  This beer is kinda dark and very smooth with a sweet after taste.  I gave it a three stars because I got tired of the flavor, so by the end of the beer I was forcing it down my throat - half a beer would have been better.  But I must let you know that my aunt, uncle and their friends taste tested this beer and all thought the world of it, so it has some rave reviews.  

So I have like 5 post to do about the UFO Club so I am going to gain back some of those sucky blogger points and blog like crazy the next few days!  Oh and Happy Thanksgiving, a week late!  
I hope that you had great time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

UFO Club: 19, 20, 21

A couple of weekends ago boyfriend and I went to my hometown for a birthday party and since there is a Flying Saucer in Houston, of course we had to stop by and this is where I enjoyed beer 19, 20 and 21.  I had never, ever, been to a bar in downtown Houston but it was quite fun!

Flying Dog Raging Bitch 3 Stars
What a name right? haha gotta love it!  I must say that a uniquely named beer is quite intriguing when looking for a beer to try from the list.  And this one turned out okay.  It was a strong IPA flavor and after taste, which isn't my favorite but they are growing on me.  (I can't believe I just said that!)  There is a fruity-ness to this beer but I can't really figure it out.  She is a bitch though.....that sweet fruity taste followed by a strong IPA draw...BITCH! Also, she is 8.3% ABV which is pretty high for a beer.

Independence Oatmeal Stout 4 Stars
These pictures crack me up!  Okay so I didn't think I was going to like this beer because it is a stout so I took a 'scared' picture.  But then I tried it and I surprisingly really, really like it - hence the thumbs up picture!  Also, sorry about the OOC nail polish!  I highly recommend this beer for people who 'don't like stouts', very yummy.  It does have an oat-y flavor but definitely no oatmeal.  I was wanting a little sweetness to it but it wasn't to be found.  Also, this beer is served in the glass as shown - and this glass usually means bad news bears but not this time.  This disproves the glass theory!

Stone Arrogant Bastard 1 Star
This picture is so bad because this beer is so bad!  BASTARD - I should have known right?  I was in a name calling mood when I started drinking this day I guess, who knows really!  This beer was way to strong and dark for me.  Look - it is pretty much black!  It was actually very hard for me to get through this one.  It's name fits it perfectly, Arrogant Bastard is right.

I also got my best friend Melody and her husband Daniel to join the UFO Club!  Melody wasn't even sure she liked beer before this trip and now she is in a beer drinking club - I'm good people!

Boyfriend and I want to visit every Flying Saucer in the nation!  How cool would that be?
Very...that's how cool!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

UFO Club: 16, 17, 18

Last week I found myself back at the Saucer trying three more beers...later than I should have been there, but hey Michael wanted to meet up and who can resist that request really, haha....and here they go!

New Belgium Hoptoberfest 1 Star
Okay, so this isn't beer, it's more like rubbing alcohol.  And I'm not a pansy for saying that...try it for yourself and you will say the same thing.  We all tried this one and none of us enjoyed it.  It is medium dark (real technical)....this has a name but I don't know.  Actually, boyfriend says it is a pale lager but this beer is anything but pale.  That is definitely amber. Okay, New Belgium's website says it is a Golden Ale.  Fail.  Interesting...made with 5 hops (Centennial, Cascade, Sterling, Glacier, Willamette) and 4 malts (Pale, Rye, Oats, C-80, Wheat).  And no, I have no clue what that actually means.

Spaten Optimator Dopplebock 1 Star
This beer is dark and malty with a very odd second flavor (you know that flavor that hits while your swallowing and then kinda lingers around, lingers like B.O. after gym class - it's always just kinda there).  My stomach was thinking Cheeky Monkey the whole time I was drinking it, so you know it is bad.  I had those uncontrollable stomach clenches near the end of the this pint.  made me feel like I was sea seak.  (I got my swim trunks, and my flippy-floppies...I'm on a Mothereffin' boat!)  Also, my great friends made me laugh while I was drinking this beer and it went all up my nose and all over my face.  It doesn't feel any better up the nose as it does on the tongue, none.

 Shiner Oktoberfest 4 Stars
OMGsh this beer is good, and it is amazing after drinking two one star beers earlier in the night.  Finally, a beer I can stomach, let alone drink!  A true Oktoberfest that is very balanced and smooth and allows for easy drinking.  This beer is brewed in Shiner, Texas (what what) so it is also a local brew.  By the way I learned today that when you type 3 dots like this ... it is called an ellipses.  Imagine that!  Anyways, this festive Marzen-style (what does this mean? German for March beer, a lager) seasonal has a deep amber color and slightly toasted flavor. Very good.

October is almost over and although that doesn't mean bye bye to Oktoberfest brews it saddens me that it is closer.  Boo!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

iPhone Love

Have you ever heard of the band Atomic Tom?
I recently discovered them while surfing around on iTunes and purchased their latest album.  Well today I was surfing around the good 'ole internet and look what I stumbled upon...

amazing! yes!
love Atomic Tom and iPhones please!

Monday, October 4, 2010

UFO Club: 10 11 12 13 14 15

Last week I was able to drink 6 more beers.  I must say that I have been on a pretty quick start BUT I also must admit that I cannot keep going like this.  For one, my stomach hurts.  My poor body is not used to digesting so much beer.  My body....and my liver are important to me so I will protect them.  And secondly, this feat isn't exactly budget friendly.  Yes, I always drink the special when I can but with 200 beers to be drank you inevitability have to drink random $12 beer.  DUMB!  And believe me the $12 ones don't taste any better than the ones that are $3. At least that is what I have found so far.  

So here goes the reviews.....

Warsteiner Dunkel: 3 Stars
This was the Fire Sale so of course I tried it since I have yet to try it, Fire Sales are $3 a pint.  Dunkel is the same as a dark lager.  This beer tasted a lot like the Breckenridge Vanilla and I must say, dark beers are really starting to grow on me.  I can't even believe that I am liking them as much as I do.  Especially when I taste some awful beers they don't seem so bad at all.

Cheeky Monkey: 1 Star
Worst drink I have EVER in my life tasted.  I was literally gaging as I was drinking this.  Boyfriend says I have a lot more of these to come and that terrifies me!  This drink is Victory Golden Monkey with a splash of grenadine.  I thought I would enjoy this, Victory Golden Monkey is a pale ale (thought I liked them all) and a little grenadine - why not!  WRONG!  Sweet, gross beer.  It had a lingering flavor that just wouldn't go away, can't get rid of this taste.  Yuck!

Pyramid Haywire Hefeweizen: 3 Stars
Pretty good wheat beer.  Another genre of beer that is growing on me.  The bottle is pretty cool on this beer.  Honestly, this beer is okay.  Just okay.  It is not memorable and I do not remember much about it, which means it is not bad but it's not great.  It is good - would drink again for sure.  I think it is a little more appropriate in the warmer months.

Ska Pinstripe: 3 Stars
Again, this beer was on the Fire Sale the night that I had it.  It had a very similar flavor to an IPA, which I am not the biggest fan of.  It was great for being the special though because I would not have liked paying full price for a slightly less than average beer.  I am not looking forward to having to plow through more IPA and IPA-esque beers.  By the way I didn't have this in the bottle, I had this on I know nothing about that cool looking bottle.

Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale: 2 Stars
This beer is brewed in Yorkshire, England.  It is very dark and very bitter.  It was also heavy so it took me awhile to get through.  Have you ever heard the saying, 'it made me grow hair on my chest'?  That saying was made for this beer.  I can only imagine big, burly men loving this beer.  The nutty flavor definitely is the star of the show here, which I did like but the supporting cast lost me.  Funny insight - I totally took like this exact picture at the bar and CANNOT find it for the life of me.  Boo!

Ace Pear Cider: 3 Stars
While at the Saucer I tweeted that I was there and my BMPR friend wrote me and said to have a Pear Beer for her - so I did!  I DO take request, see?  Also, it has come to my attention while writing this post that my rating of 3 Stars is very broad.  Because this cider is good, very good, but it is way to sweet to have often.  I think that a 5 Star beer should have great taste and longevity, a beer that I could order and order.  I would order this taste like candy, but only on select occasions.  For instance, I would never drink this with food.  As a dessert, it's great!

Yum Yum!  Until next time my friends!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

UFO Club: 7 8 9

So I have a pretty big announcement to make, besides the fact that I am back to blogging.  It's going to sound a little crazy but......

I joined the UFO Club at The Flying Saucer!

What does that even mean you say?  That means that I will be trying 200 different beers and you will get to hear all about each and every one of them as I fly through this endeavor as quickly as possible.  The deal goes like this, you drink your 200 unique beers and you get your name on a saucer at the bar! and a little party of sorts to celebrate with some friends!

I joined the club for a few reasons.  Before I met boyfriend I really just drank Coors Light or whatever the college party host supplied.  One of boyfriends goals in life is to introduce new craft beer to all the Coors, Miller and Bud Light fans in the world. He joined the club awhile back because he wanted to find new beers he liked.  I would consider that I reason for me joining too.  Boyfriend has introduced me to many beers that I love and I would definitely say I'm not a Coors Light girl any more. (Girlfriend Points!) Also, I was trying to convince my friend Michael to join and he was like wait your not even on it.  So we made a bet that we would compete to see who could drink the 200 beers first if we both joined, basically my competitive nature was immediately game and I was game!

Michael and I on the night that we became proud card carrying members of the UFO Club!

Beer 7: Breckenridge Vanilla Porter, 3 Star
This beer is brewed in Denver, Colorado and scared the crap out of me.  I am usually not a fan of darker beers so I choose this beer to get it out of the way, but I was pleasantly surprised.  It is a lot lighter than I expected, not heavy like most porters.  Vanilla smell was very evident and potent and smelled beautifully but it did not come through as much on the taste.  

Beer 8: Lindemans Peche, 3 Star
Where is the beer and alchohol is all I gotta say?  This taste just like a Peach Soda.  So if you are into that sorta thing and aren't much of a beer fan this might be a good option to you.  I would love to have this beer in the middle of the hot summer by the lake, but only one.  I then would like some real beer please.  So girls that say they don't like beer, stop being so dang dramatic and try this one!  This beer did cost me $11 dollars though so find a good Sugar Daddy.  

Beer 9: Wells Bombardier Bitter, 2 Stars
Sign number one of nastiness - bitter ale.  Steer clear of those words please!  It wasn't horrible but I will never drink this beer again, I will tell you that much.  Bitter ale's just taste really freaking awkward.  I can't even describe to you what this tasted like, not because I don't remember, but because there are no words for the weirdness this provokes.  I will say the alchohol in this beer was more evident than in the other two I had this night.  And that's all I have to say.

So yay!  Back to blogging I am!  If you have a beer recommendation for me let me know and I will definitely try it next!  Also, if you would like more info on the great bar - The Flying Saucer - where all this craziness goes down, click here!  You can get details about the UFO Club as well.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

Miss Ellie's Pizza

Today for lunch I decided to try something different.  There is a small, little, family run pizza shop called Miss Ellie's Pizza by my work that I decided to try.  They serve New York style pizza.  I got a slice of their pepperoni and sausage pizza.  I also got a side salad and a garlic knot.  It was soooo good.  The garlic knot might have been my favorite part, but definitely worth a second visit. 

You should try this place next time your in San Antonio!
What's your favorite local pizza?  Wherever 'local' may be for you!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

local cookies.

Thursday at work my co-workers were talking about the 'best cookies in San Antonio' from Broadway Daily Bread.  I have never tasted their cookies so we decided that we should stop by on our lunch break and try get a half dozen to try out.  The cookies that were baked that day were Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, and let me tell you, they were pretty dang good.  If I had microwaved the cookie it might have been perfect.  Thursday they bake Peanut Butter cookies so I am going to make a run so the boy and I can try them.  Yummies!

May I add that the shop smelled heavenly?  I want to try some bread as well.

(photos taken with iPhone)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


last night around 7pm or so my grandma passed away.  she had a triple bi-pass and when they went to take her off the heart machine, her heart didn't have enough strength to beat on its own. 
thanks for all the thoughts and prayers

Friday, May 14, 2010


Dear crazy storm outside my window, your rain is much appreciated as we need you but please end by five o'clock as that is when happy hour starts.

Dear hair, thank you for being easy and cute this morning, it really makes my day when you cooperate.

Dear friends of friends at happy hour last night, please be nice to my friends!  if you are not having fun or do not like where we are you are free to leave, but don't talk shit to the people that arranged the outting, as we were having a great time. 

Dear future cottage, i am so excited to make memories with you, and to decorate you, and to make you are so charming and cute!  move in day is coming quickly so you won't have to be vacant for much longer.

Dear parents, have i told you lately that i love you?  ha but really!  you might be are my favorite people in the world and your support over the last three weeks (or my entire life really) mean the world to me.

Dear Philadelphia Flyers, win tonight please, i want to watch you make a run for the Stanley Cup.

Dear 3D obessed people, those red and blue glasses you have on make you look stupid, and real life is better...make your own 3D adventures!

Dear weekend, i hope you are as productive as you need to be.  thanks in advance.

TGIF ya'll!
(Notes idea taken from Naomi at Rockstar Diaries)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Movie Review: Iron Man 2

Monday night i met up with the boy at the movies to go see Iron Man 2.  I was so excited to see this movie, as I absolutely loved the first one.  And I must saw that this one didn't disappointment either!  I absolutely love the Iron Man character and think that Robert Downey Jr. does a great job in the role of Tony Stark.  He is such an ass but as they perfect about of charm to make you love him anyways - absolute greatness!  The new villian, Ivan Vanko/Whiplash, was pretty awesome too.  He kinda freaked me out a little too.  This movie has a more action than the first, as well as a deeper relationship building between Tony and Pepper.  Oh and the introduction of 'The Black Widow' played by Scarlett Johansson.  And she pretty much kicks so major ass!  I like that this movie includes a girl that can hang with the boys. haha Pepper does out of the suit and Natalie does it in the suit! I don't really even know what to write about this movie because I want you to go see...I don't want you to read anything about it...haha!  I will tell you this though - there is a little 'bonus' scene after all the credits so you should stay through them.  So anyways, I really hope the rest of the 'Avenger' movies come out and do well so we can see them all in one movie.  Mainly, because I love Iron Man...I need to acutally watch the other characters!

This still pretty much makes my day every time I look at it. YES!

Amazing Quotes:

Tony: "Blow something up?? I already did that."

Hammer: "If it were any smarter, it'd write a book that would make Ulysses look like it was written in crayon. And it would read it to you.."

Tony: "I'm sorry. I don't want to get off on the wrong foot. Do I look at the patch or the eye?"

Pepper: "You're dying?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

Tony: "I was going to make you an omelet and tell you...! WE COULD BE IN VENICE RIGHT NOW."

Tony: "'Mr. Stark displays compulsive behaviour.' In my own defense that was last week. 'Prone to self-destructive tendencies.' I was DYING. I mean please. And aren't we all? 'Textbook narcism ?' ... Agreed."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

this past weekend I went home to Tomball to be with my mom and family for Mother's Day.  I really love going home, mainly because I just love the feeling of utter comfort that washes over me when I enter Tomball, it's really kind of weird to explain.  I had a great time, even though my Mom didn't feel so great on Sunday and we spent the majority of the day napping in front of the television.  I did get to spend some quality time with my BFF Melody and her son, we went to the new Five Guys in Klein and then played with Maddie, my dog.  I miss these two so bad!

parents house: the place I grew up

beautiful backyard and hot pink toes

maybe the most spoiled cat on the planet, Scruffy

only the cutest little kiddo in the world, Daniel James, my BFF's kid

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!  and I vow to look at like more positively from here on out.  I think I'm learning that just because one thing goes wrong it doesn't mean your life is a failure.  You can keep going, you can make your wrongs right and you can make it! I would however like to catch a break life, so if you are feeling generous, I would really appreciate it.

photos taken with iPhone (1-3) and Nikon D70 (4)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

so last night was pretty rough.  im growing up and have to make adult decisions and do life and im a little scared but looking forward to finding my way in this world and coming out the other side doing it my way.  last night was also cinco de mayo, and i do hail in good ole San Antonio, so it was a party.  not really.  i pretty much found the cutest house ever but don't think i can swing the two month over-lap in rent payment.  then i got the 'your cut off' call from my parents.  then i cried my big blue eyes out, mostly out of fear. but Michael came to my rescue, he took me to dinner and a movie.  we went to Habanero's Grill, where we shared a 24oz margarita, and saw Disney's Oceans.  the movie theater was having a great special, five dollar movies for cinco de mayo. then i went home and had a great chat with the boy who told me i can do anything i want to do, he doesn't know how much that meant to me. yay!

pardon my post crying ugliness...but look at that beautiful margarita!

(sorry bible study, i was too overwhelmed for you last night, and i know that is horrible to say since nothing in life is too overwhelming for God but i dont really feel like talking about it now)
photos taken with iPhone

Monday, May 3, 2010


on sunday i went kayaking with some friends on the Guadalupe River.  it was so much fun and the weather was gorgeous!  it was my first time to kayak ever and i only flipped once, and it is because i ran into a rock, not even on a rapid, thinking i would bounce off - not so much.  totally flipped but the dunk was quite refreshing! can't wait to go back!

hope you had a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Growing Up Sucks!

from my junior year of high school until now i have wanted to be an orthodontist.  i worked extremely hard to make that happen, through school and volunteering and shadowing and tutoring.  but it seems like my dream isn't meant to come true.  i have been declined or wait listed from every dental school i applied to.  i have failed. i gave it my best but have failed.  so when everyone ask me if i got into dental school i get to tell them no and hear their condolences, the whole time im wondering if they expected failure from me all along, or if they know how hard it is to tell everyone that i failed.  its one thing to fail and no one know but to fail publicly, that sucks.  i really feel like i have let my family down, my friends down, and myself down.  as a biology major i knew a lot of people that had similar aspirations as i, and i just wonder what happened to all of them.  i competed against these students to be in the best in the bunch but in the end none of it even mattered.  the reality is im just not good enough.  and it sucks.  really really sucks.  today i ran into someone that i havn't seen in a very long time and i had to relive this failure again, and i know that it's just going to continue to happen every few weeks.  why people can't ask me about anything else, i have no clue.  so now you all know.  im not looking into teaching because it is my dream or what i feel like i am meant to do forever, reality is im not good enough to do what i want to so im forced to move to second best, and second best for me is a career with a summer break.  and that unfortunately, this world revolves around money so i need a job.  i want to love to go to work, not overly so where it consumes my life, but one thing i have learned is that you have to enjoy your work or its pointless.  so i will teach and try dental school again.  that's all you can do right?  or will my dreams change as this reality sinks in more?  

sorry that this post is horribly depressing but it's my blog, i can write whatever i want, and you can choose to read, im not making you.  and i started this blog as a sort of journal for myself.  i feel like one day i will look back at this and be thankful i wasn't accepted into dental school because i find that occupation that makes me so extremely happy and proud.  at least i really hope that happens.  they say thats what happens but then i look at the majority of 40 year olds that i know and they hate their job, they are burnt out.  did they give up on the occupation they were meant for?  maybe they were just simply not good enough.  i don't know, but i refuse to become that.  it's okay to not know exactly what i want right. i feel like i always have to have answer to the question, what's next, what are you going to do.  

i had indian food tonight.
i do love indian food.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brooklyn Bridge

so I wanted to continue sharing with you all some pictures from my trip to New York.
one of the days I hung with the boys and walked the Brooklyn Bridge

i miss this city so much.
i wish there was a little slice of New York in Texas.
i miss subways
i miss walking
i miss being carefree
i miss feeling so small
i miss so many possibilities
i miss the people

Monday, April 26, 2010

Quarter of a Century

this past weekend my friend Corey celebrated her 25th birthday with a huge crawfish boil at her lake house.  it was so much fun and a great excuse to have a few beers, eat entirely too much food, mingle with friends from all over, and play in the water!

yum yum yum

"Some days, they last longer than others, but this day by the lake went too fast."