Sunday, May 31, 2009

River Weekend <3

This weekend was so much fun! It started off pretty rocky cat, Zoey, was really sick when i woke up on Friday morning so I had to take her to the vet where they were really backed up and then called and said she had stomach problems...probably because I fed her chicken and she is only used to wet feed. my poor poor baby! later that day we left to go to the river for the weekend! It was Michael, Sally and I and we met Bubba there would was there with Lee already. Here are some pics from the weekend :)

[me, leaving the apt]

[Sally and Michael at the "Quince"]

[Me and Bubba after a day on the water]

I'm soooo glad I got my camera! YAY! how do you like these pictures?!? What did you do this weekend? Hope it was grrrreat! BTW good luck to the Florida Gators in the Womens College World Series!

Friday, May 29, 2009

hey yall!

I JUST BOUGHT A DIGITAL CAMERA YA'LL! that means this weekend is gonna be such a blast and i will be able to POST pictures to show you all! whooooo RIVER this WEEKEND!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Patty Cakes!

yesterday was Patrick's Birthday ya'll! hahah okay so Birthday List here we go...the 5 reasons i am friends with this kid:

1. he is great to have serious talks with - he is very uplifting and seems to always relate to how you are feeling...him and his ex and me and my ex broke up around the same time and we had one serious convo about it all at starbucks one late night and now i pretty much feel i could talk to this guy about anything crazy going on in my life and he would give me the best advice that he had to give

2. he is a really talented musician. his passion for music is refreshing and i could listen to him sing and play the guitar or piano for hours!

3. Patrick is sooo dang funny! he cracks me up so much lol and he is so goofy that he is always being 'put on someone's team' which makes him kinda upset at times because he thinks we are making fun of him but really we are just loving him

4. Patrick resembles Huckleberry Finn. He wears these straight leg jeans that he rolls up with a pearl snap red checkered shirt....all he really needs is a pole! and his facial hair just adds the effect! lol oh and his barefoot-ed-ness!

5. he is really just an amazing person who is there for his friends and his community and knows how to be serious and be funny is a little inappropiate at times but all in good taste and just a very likeable person....and a great hugger!


Night at the Museum

Battle of the Smithsonian....good cute movie! And I love the girl...uhhh pilot girl..Ameile Idontknowherlastname! I saw it last night with Michael. Also, for all you office fans (mmhmmm THE OFFICE reppin) Andy and Kelly both have small roles in this movie. And if your 12, so do the JoBros as little baby angels!

I just want to say sorry that my blog hasn't been more interesting lately - I am very limited to talking about myself because I have to camera at the moment to document my life! ahhh! i promise you i will change that soon though. I had a great Memorial Day weekend and have a pretty splendid weekend in store for me SO i am sincerely going to try to buy a camera tomorrow! or tonight! YEESSSSSIR!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rainy Days

sooo I was supposed to go to Schlitterbahn today but didn't because I got sick last night and just didn't think it would be a great idea to go I've had a lazy day at home watching college softball and baseball and look who I discovered....

Matt Cerione! He plays centerfield for the Georgia Bulldogs and is very very hott! mmhmm! lol so other than that I am just enjoying softball games as everyone is trying to get the the College World Series. Arizona made it! YAY - they are my favorite although I don't believe they will go all the way this year because they are lacking an allstar pitcher and just lost a lot of stars last season such as Taryn Mowatt and Caitlin Lowe. anywayyyyyys weekend love! have a good one!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kris Allen yay!

so i dont watch american idol and never voted for kris allen so don't get offended all you crazy idol fans buuuut his wife katy is in the same sorority as i am so im pretty stoked he won...and everybody loves an underdog!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

SuMMeR shape up!

so its summer which means i need to get my butt in gear and work out and get ready for all the weddings and such that i need to do! so this is my plan...since i work monday through friday from 8-5 i am way too tired and unmotivated to work out when i come home from today i ran at a local park during my lunch break. and i cooked last night, a healthy meal, and brought leftovers to eat at lunch. the only downside is i have to eat at my computer while working since i use my break time to run but thats okay :) ohhhhh and i got these great little ice cream sandwhiches by skinny cow! yummy and why not healthy not unhealthy...a good late night treat for a day of eating well!

tonight i made couscous and black bean salad!

YUM! it is really delicious! ohhh im also doing this whole bring your lunch thing to save money so i came up with a genius plan...I bought my own stuff to make coffee awhile back so I bought a travel mug thing! annnnnnd (cause i have a caffine problem) i bought a case of dr.peppers in to work...i get one a day! and at home of course i drink tea with dinner and then just water! whooo!

sorry i havn't posted in so long i just figured out how to change my profile back so its not all screwy! except my profile picture STILL isn't showing up...BUMmer!

Monday, May 18, 2009


IM SOOOO MAD! I keep trying to fix the layout of my blog and its not working....nothing will go back to how it pretty much considering deleting this account and starting another...if anyone knows how to fix this please let me know.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I'm currently reading this book called Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. Everyone in my office at work is reading it as Gladwell was a keynote speakers at a recent conference that my co-worker attended. This book is sooo interesting - it talks about how success is not about effort but about luck and chance. Gladwell goes through scenarios of professional athletes, software programers, lawyers, and more to prove his point. If you have some time on your hands I recommend it - easy and fast read.

Update: I saw on Amazon today that this book is number 13 on their Top Sellers list!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

cuz i said i would... pics of GRADU-FREAKIN-ATION! still.not.real.

[Alex, Alyssa and I - Cell Bio]

[Christina and I]

[Orange = College of Engineering...Yellow = College of Science]

[BS in Biology]

[Dad, Me and Mom]

[Me and Sister, she sucks at being asain]

Monday, May 11, 2009

Star Trek

i love star i saw the movie tonight with Michael! i have never seen the series before, so by no means do i consider myself a trekkie, but it is a great movie that can stand alone. it suprised me by how good it was...really! go see it now and droll over Chris Pine who plays James Kirk, laugh at Simon Pegg who plays Scotty and love John Cho who plays Hikaru Sulu for being asain!

PS: Happy Mothers day!

PSS: Live long and prosper! ^_^

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Lee!

so today is Lee's birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY here a list of 8 (since that's his favorite number) things i love about Lee!

  1. how much he cares for others. he honestly is the only person i really know that doesn't judge people and write them off but cares to get to know them and what they are all about - sure he might write them of then but at least he gives you a chance....and he rarely acutally writes you off. he even cares for others to a fault 'cause he rarely thinks of himself, if ever.
  2. i envy his craziness. he jumps and hops through life (literally) and doesn't care what people think and doesn't have that is this okay or appropriate to do in public complex...its refreshing even though i don't always agree :)
  3. his music! for the most part! every time im in the car with Lee he is playing music that i have never ever heard in my life...i love finding new music so i like listening to his playlist haha except when im in the mood to be able to sing along with the songs....i have a great idea! - he should make me a mixed CD!
  4. his musical talents! he is truly blessed and talented musically. he can sing and play so very well - i could honestly listen to him forever. he is also a very good songwriter although he seldom shares his songs with others...they are great! and im oh so jealous
  5. innocence! lee is from a very small town so he just has that small town charm in him. i miss the innocence that living in a town like barksdale gave him. now he goes to school at UTSA so he has lost some, but every once in awhile it peeps through. he didn't know what a scantron was! how cute is that? but i mean innocence in a sense that he trust people are good and that they have good intent but also i mean just cuteness....
  6. his knowledge and trust in Jesus. i will forever be grateful to Lee for showing me what it means to be a Christian and living that in front of me day in and day out. im not sure where i would be in my walk with Christ if he did not come into my life at exactly the moment that he did - i thank you lee times infinity!
  7. his new found style...he should have totally listened to me earlier....
  8. and lastly, i love lee's humor. he is a very funny man. we have shared so many laughs together haha from his jokes to just random funny life moments. i love when he laughs and gets an idea or another story and says oh man mid laugh in that weird crazy voice or how he winces his face a lot it something is truly funny to him and how he wails his arms around while laughing...its quite a sight to see!
i will always be friends with lee - i know that! he will always have a special place in my heart and i will always care about him and i think he would be comfortable saying the same thing. i want nothing but the best for him and hope that he truly finds himself soon and that our friendship can continue to ride the waves as its sometimes way hard for us to make it work.

(one of my favorite pics of the two of us - from summer 2006)

Thursday, May 7, 2009


so yesterday i took my last college final - whoa dude - and i will be walking the stage in a little over 24 hours. its so surreal. i can remember the first time i stepped foot on the campus of UTSA, it was the first day of orientation. i remember being completely overwhelmed and wondering how i was ever going to get to the point that i am today. when school finally started my best friends from high school, monique and melody, drove with my parents to come move me into my dorm. my roomate had already moved in a left so our room was empty. i remember saying goodbye to them was so hard and then i was all alone. alone in a new world that i would have to maneuver on my own. no longer would i be relying on anyone other than myself to make it in this world. i had the worst experience that very first night. i went to walmart to basically get out of the apartment and while i was there it started raining - hardcore raining. when i got to my dorm i tried to get in using my student id and it did not work. i was stuck outside at around midnight in the rain all alone. it wasn't for about 30 min later that i finally got let in. i cried myself to sleep. all i wanted was to go back home. years later i remember calling lee and telling him i was on the fourth floor of the business building crying after an organic test that i was sure i had failed. i would cry to him that i just wasn't smart enough, that my dreams were never going to come true, that i wouldn't be graduating, but i am - i made it! 2 apartments, 7 roomates, 18 all nighters, 2 withdrawn classes, 1 breakup and endless amounts of time loving every minute of UTSA here i am! done! and not wanting to ever leave....

PS: once again i will post pics from my graduation if other people give me some :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

girls just wanna...


[Me, Jaclyn and Sally - Tradition!]

Formal was on Saturday at the Hilton by SeaWorld! It was a lot of fun! My twin, Sally, came in from Texas State - ahhh i miss her! The picture with our mouths open as wide as we can make them is our family tradition picture! LOOOOVE my family, best big and twin a girl could ask for! By the way, i hated my hair from the front and it made me look like a boy so don't judge! The back on the other hand, amazing! I have two finals on Wednesday so I will not post until then - I'm in study lock down starting now!

Friday, May 1, 2009

pre-finals = fun fun fun

Wednesday I went out to Cowboys with some of my girls! It was so much fun...except when someone started turning the lights off and throwing bottles...and then they made us all leave. Oh and it was Ashely's birthday! It was the perfect way to spend the night....dancing away in the moonlight (erm except we were inside) I even wore my boots!

(Top: Me, Jaclyn, Kailee and Krystal, Bottom: Lindsay and Lauren)

(group shot...that I am not in...must've been dancin')