Tuesday, October 26, 2010

UFO Club: 16, 17, 18

Last week I found myself back at the Saucer trying three more beers...later than I should have been there, but hey Michael wanted to meet up and who can resist that request really, haha....and here they go!

New Belgium Hoptoberfest 1 Star
Okay, so this isn't beer, it's more like rubbing alcohol.  And I'm not a pansy for saying that...try it for yourself and you will say the same thing.  We all tried this one and none of us enjoyed it.  It is medium dark (real technical)....this has a name but I don't know.  Actually, boyfriend says it is a pale lager but this beer is anything but pale.  That is definitely amber. Okay, New Belgium's website says it is a Golden Ale.  Fail.  Interesting...made with 5 hops (Centennial, Cascade, Sterling, Glacier, Willamette) and 4 malts (Pale, Rye, Oats, C-80, Wheat).  And no, I have no clue what that actually means.

Spaten Optimator Dopplebock 1 Star
This beer is dark and malty with a very odd second flavor (you know that flavor that hits while your swallowing and then kinda lingers around, lingers like B.O. after gym class - it's always just kinda there).  My stomach was thinking Cheeky Monkey the whole time I was drinking it, so you know it is bad.  I had those uncontrollable stomach clenches near the end of the this pint.  made me feel like I was sea seak.  (I got my swim trunks, and my flippy-floppies...I'm on a Mothereffin' boat!)  Also, my great friends made me laugh while I was drinking this beer and it went all up my nose and all over my face.  It doesn't feel any better up the nose as it does on the tongue, none.

 Shiner Oktoberfest 4 Stars
OMGsh this beer is good, and it is amazing after drinking two one star beers earlier in the night.  Finally, a beer I can stomach, let alone drink!  A true Oktoberfest that is very balanced and smooth and allows for easy drinking.  This beer is brewed in Shiner, Texas (what what) so it is also a local brew.  By the way I learned today that when you type 3 dots like this ... it is called an ellipses.  Imagine that!  Anyways, this festive Marzen-style (what does this mean? German for March beer, a lager) seasonal has a deep amber color and slightly toasted flavor. Very good.

October is almost over and although that doesn't mean bye bye to Oktoberfest brews it saddens me that it is closer.  Boo!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

iPhone Love

Have you ever heard of the band Atomic Tom?
I recently discovered them while surfing around on iTunes and purchased their latest album.  Well today I was surfing around the good 'ole internet and look what I stumbled upon...

amazing! yes!
love Atomic Tom and iPhones please!

Monday, October 4, 2010

UFO Club: 10 11 12 13 14 15

Last week I was able to drink 6 more beers.  I must say that I have been on a pretty quick start BUT I also must admit that I cannot keep going like this.  For one, my stomach hurts.  My poor body is not used to digesting so much beer.  My body....and my liver are important to me so I will protect them.  And secondly, this feat isn't exactly budget friendly.  Yes, I always drink the special when I can but with 200 beers to be drank you inevitability have to drink random $12 beer.  DUMB!  And believe me the $12 ones don't taste any better than the ones that are $3. At least that is what I have found so far.  

So here goes the reviews.....

Warsteiner Dunkel: 3 Stars
This was the Fire Sale so of course I tried it since I have yet to try it, Fire Sales are $3 a pint.  Dunkel is the same as a dark lager.  This beer tasted a lot like the Breckenridge Vanilla and I must say, dark beers are really starting to grow on me.  I can't even believe that I am liking them as much as I do.  Especially when I taste some awful beers they don't seem so bad at all.

Cheeky Monkey: 1 Star
Worst drink I have EVER in my life tasted.  I was literally gaging as I was drinking this.  Boyfriend says I have a lot more of these to come and that terrifies me!  This drink is Victory Golden Monkey with a splash of grenadine.  I thought I would enjoy this, Victory Golden Monkey is a pale ale (thought I liked them all) and a little grenadine - why not!  WRONG!  Sweet, gross beer.  It had a lingering flavor that just wouldn't go away, can't get rid of this taste.  Yuck!

Pyramid Haywire Hefeweizen: 3 Stars
Pretty good wheat beer.  Another genre of beer that is growing on me.  The bottle is pretty cool on this beer.  Honestly, this beer is okay.  Just okay.  It is not memorable and I do not remember much about it, which means it is not bad but it's not great.  It is good - would drink again for sure.  I think it is a little more appropriate in the warmer months.

Ska Pinstripe: 3 Stars
Again, this beer was on the Fire Sale the night that I had it.  It had a very similar flavor to an IPA, which I am not the biggest fan of.  It was great for being the special though because I would not have liked paying full price for a slightly less than average beer.  I am not looking forward to having to plow through more IPA and IPA-esque beers.  By the way I didn't have this in the bottle, I had this on draught..so I know nothing about that cool looking bottle.

Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale: 2 Stars
This beer is brewed in Yorkshire, England.  It is very dark and very bitter.  It was also heavy so it took me awhile to get through.  Have you ever heard the saying, 'it made me grow hair on my chest'?  That saying was made for this beer.  I can only imagine big, burly men loving this beer.  The nutty flavor definitely is the star of the show here, which I did like but the supporting cast lost me.  Funny insight - I totally took like this exact picture at the bar and CANNOT find it for the life of me.  Boo!

Ace Pear Cider: 3 Stars
While at the Saucer I tweeted that I was there and my BMPR friend wrote me and said to have a Pear Beer for her - so I did!  I DO take request, see?  Also, it has come to my attention while writing this post that my rating of 3 Stars is very broad.  Because this cider is good, very good, but it is way to sweet to have often.  I think that a 5 Star beer should have great taste and longevity, a beer that I could order and order.  I would order this cider.....it taste like candy, but only on select occasions.  For instance, I would never drink this with food.  As a dessert, it's great!

Yum Yum!  Until next time my friends!