Last week I found myself back at the Saucer trying three more beers...later than I should have been there, but hey Michael wanted to meet up and who can resist that request really, haha....and here they go!
New Belgium Hoptoberfest 1 Star
Okay, so this isn't beer, it's more like rubbing alcohol. And I'm not a pansy for saying that...try it for yourself and you will say the same thing. We all tried this one and none of us enjoyed it. It is medium dark (real technical)....this has a name but I don't know. Actually, boyfriend says it is a pale lager but this beer is anything but pale. That is definitely amber. Okay, New Belgium's website says it is a Golden Ale. Fail. Interesting...made with 5 hops (Centennial, Cascade, Sterling, Glacier, Willamette) and 4 malts (Pale, Rye, Oats, C-80, Wheat). And no, I have no clue what that actually means.
Spaten Optimator Dopplebock 1 Star
This beer is dark and malty with a very odd second flavor (you know that flavor that hits while your swallowing and then kinda lingers around, lingers like B.O. after gym class - it's always just kinda there). My stomach was thinking Cheeky Monkey the whole time I was drinking it, so you know it is bad. I had those uncontrollable stomach clenches near the end of the this pint. made me feel like I was sea seak. (I got my swim trunks, and my flippy-floppies...I'm on a Mothereffin' boat!) Also, my great friends made me laugh while I was drinking this beer and it went all up my nose and all over my face. It doesn't feel any better up the nose as it does on the tongue, none.
Shiner Oktoberfest 4 Stars
OMGsh this beer is good, and it is amazing after drinking two one star beers earlier in the night. Finally, a beer I can stomach, let alone drink! A true Oktoberfest that is very balanced and smooth and allows for easy drinking. This beer is brewed in Shiner, Texas (what what) so it is also a local brew. By the way I learned today that when you type 3 dots like this ... it is called an ellipses. Imagine that! Anyways, this festive Marzen-style (what does this mean? German for March beer, a lager) seasonal has a deep amber color and slightly toasted flavor. Very good.
October is almost over and although that doesn't mean bye bye to Oktoberfest brews it saddens me that it is closer. Boo!