Monday, December 8, 2008

Creating A Blog

so obviously i created a blog today.....which sounds easier than it acutally is....

first you have to have a gmail account - i didn't have one. and making a email isn't easy. your email address either has to be bad ass funny or professional. iheartjustintimberlake doesn't cut it these days. and you can't have an email that you have to explain when you give it out. i once had an email address that was jrangel4e.... jr was the initials for my crush.... angel was for angel (don't i sound sweet)... and 4e meant forever. LAME! so anyways i went the professional route...not very creative i know but hey! it works! oh and one of gmails security questions is what is your frequent flyer really? really!

then you have to name your blog....again stressful! its so hard to sound as kewl as your friends! why am i the lame one? just the girl next door - well it means im not the hot girl, im not the book worm, im not the stellar just me...and i have a to someone - im just the girl next door....

that will probably change like 168431567 times as my brain makes me kewler! and that is all! soo i have a blog! yay!

Peace, Love and Space Heaters!

PS: so if you used your frequent flyer number as your security question im not sure you want to read this blog ever again....but if your single.....maybe....

ha! just kidding...

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