Friday, December 12, 2008

finals! oh my!

this week was / is finals week! so needless to say i havn't slept a normal 8 hours in the last two weeks! (that might be a lie but its something close) so anyways i was studying at school in the library - the most logical place to study right? well i walk in and find it under construction! yes its been under construction all year long but there were at least real lights! They have little hanging latern lights hanigng from the ceiling attached to thousands of feet of that orange cord...uhh whats it called? extension cord!

so then i find a cozy nook....yes there are three people at the same table as me with their computers and ipods but hey thats cozy this time of year...and begin to study and study and study my life away! Then 2 am rolls around......

heres a little background knowledge:
okay i go to UTSA and we have this thing called the Fountain of Luck and supposedly its tradition to stick your hand in the fountain during finals time for good luck, i saw supposedly because im a senior and have never and have never seen anyone put their hand in that water! in fact i think it is something that they just made up so to try to instill traditions within our student body...but at UTSA no one gives a crap!

I walk outside to my get to my car to get exactly 3 hours of sleep - one complete sleep cycle. (see mom i have learned something in college: how to succesesfully pull all nighters) and the fountain of luck is turned off....WTF! thats bad karma! a fountain of luck turned off at the exact time luck is needed the most! and the school wants us to use this thing and believe it can help us! psshhhh!

BTW...after my biochem final S talked to me for like twenty minutes....the best twenty minutes i've had in two weeks :)

PS: i did stick my hand in the fountain! and it was badass!

PSS: next semester i plan on swimming in the fountain! surround myself with luck as the dental school application process begins!

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