Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday T!

so i came up with the clever idea of dedicating a blog to my friends on their birthdays, yesterday was T's birthday so i will list the 21 reasons (because he turned 21) i think he is cool...k....
  1. he is the funniest person i know....we have compatible humor....and thinking about it makes me laugh to myself lol
  2. he is my personal Google-r even though he hates that I don't look things up for myself
  3. we are traveling to Dubai one day - because it fascinates us - we literally wasted two whole days at working reading about and looking at pictures of Dubai (not kidding)
  4. we talk about food at least once every time we talk...fatties!
  5. he sends me random links of random crap when im at work, some interesting, some funny, some inappropriate...but all awesome
  6. T is super helpful - like when i dont know how to do something, how you cure something...basically the things you would ask your mom or dad for help with i just ask him cuz he will know and not judge me for asking and if he doesn't know he will ask his mom for me hahah and i just noticed everyone reading this minus T will think that is really creepy..and maybe T too (side note: i dont live near my parents)
  7. patience....with my computer illiteracy! i mean i think im pretty good but i know nothing compared to him...one time he explained to me what a server was and it took like 30 minutes for me to understand...ha!
  8. his huge dislike for the word cute - but i think he is getting used to it :)
  9. he has taken on my words....like my Abbey-isms! hmm like he spelled cool like kewl one day and he just copies me...cuz bitch im the bomb like tick tick...jk jk jk
  10. he is the youngest person that i know that is so responsible - he really does have his life together and i want to feel like that too
  11. he thinks im smart and i love when people think im smart and he thinks i can get into dental school YYYEAAAAAA
  12. how dramatic he is when something or someone piss him off...lol! he is so funny when he is mad!
  13. when i have a bad day T always answers my depressing emo text that goes soemthing like this 'i have no friends - no one likes me - i hate life' everyone has their moments
  14. how we have intentions of studying at school together but end up gossiping about all the randoms slash hotties around us ALL night long
  15. T says howdy instead of hi but is not country at all...but was in FFA! hahah awesome
  16. he has a 'make yourself happy' attitude about life which is awesome...he isn't attached to things and lives for experience and having fun and wants to move a lot like nm i wont over elaborate cuz it will just annoy everyone...
  17. anytime i am lost in SA i can text T and tell him where i am and he helps me get home and answers quickly so that i can change my driving course before its to late which i am reallly thankful for and probably take advantage of too much
  18. he is really random and always has a weird story haha and i ususally do too so exchanging them makes me feel normal and happy :)
  19. he walks around the mall for no reason on sunny days to get melatin! aww...
  20. this one is selfish but he thinks im funny, and tells me often, and it makes me think he is cool and want to be his friend
  21. he is really just a great friend, he is there when your mad to listen and when your sad and will tell you if your being dumb for being either, and he laughs at your jokes when you need laughter, and he is just nice...
hmm he might be laughing at some of this because i am not the nice sentimental toward my friends girl and i wouldn't say something like that out loud but i will type it and let him read it and he pretty much already knows i suppose....ok ok ok im done being dumb!

soooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY T! i hope it was awesome and since your still asleep i bet you had a great time too!

PS: i want to start a vlog and if i get a MacBook for graduation i will start one! and you will follow it!


AbBeYLeiGH said...

sorry...number 21 is showing up in my edit view but wont publish...ahhh!

Anonymous said...

awww.. you are my favorite!!!!!