Wednesday, April 29, 2009

...cuz a lifetimes not to long to live as friends...

omgsh i havn't blogged in forever - sorry - im just super busy! and im graduating college in 10 days! O - M - G! i have so much to do its not even i dont want to think about the future cuz it will stress me out so i will fill you in on my awesome weekend!

Friday was InterVarsity's end of the year formal! Everyone dressed up and had a really nice dinner together, gave out awards, and danced the night away! I love InterVaristy formals because you can just dance and be stupid and everyone doesn't care - in fact the more stupid you are the more you are accepted and the more fun you have. I bought a new dress to wear to it on Friday - I need like 5 dresses for various events that are coming up so this one was for this formal and for my sorority senior sendoff. It was originally $96 but it rang up for $58! LOVE when that happens! Anyways, here are so pictures from the night!
[InterVaristy Christian Fellowship - UTSA]

[Me, Andrea, Ada and Tiffany]

[Kacie, JC, and I]

After formal, a bunch of us drove to Houston for Corey's birthday and baptism! We didn't get to Houston until 4am! it was pretty insane! I have to says thanks to Lee for keeping me awake for the drive. I had so much fun in Houston. On Saturday I went home to visit my parents then that night we went to a crawfish boil for Corey's birthday, then on Sunday we went to church and Corey got baptized! I am so happy for her! She has been a Christian for awhile now but was never glad i was able to be a part of her celebration weekend! i love her so much! by the way i am camera-less right now so if/when anyone post pics i will upload them :)
[Jennifer, Jenny, Patrick, Isac and I eating crawfish in the rain]

On Monday I officially went alum in my sorority! i was so made graduation really real! i was so emotional and crying all over the place like a crazy girl! i will miss my sisters so much but know that i have made many lifelong friends through it...FMC! We had ten girls go alum! uhh sooo emotional!
Then today, Tuesday, I had to say goodbye to all the InterVarsity people and do my goodbye speech there - again crying like a little girl. It's so sad that it's finally real! It's pretty crazy that you work so hard to get here but once your here you want it to last forever! I don't want to leave the comfort of my college schedule and friends and life! But I will find my way, I will grow, I will be stronger!

Well that is all! tomorrow is my last day of school! then i just have three finals on May 6 and I am done with college forever! I will then have a freakin degree! A BS in Biology! craazzzzy!

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