1. how she can make a long distance relationship work yet isn't consumed by talking to the boyfriend on the phone and what not, she has a life and a boyfriend....more girls should learn from her!
2. Mary is sooo freakin hilarious! Her humor not like out there direct, but like she says the funniest things under her breath or in conjuction with what other people say. It absolutely cracks me up! She is crazy sarcastic as well!
3. Motivated! Mary knows when to go out and have fun and when to stay in and study. She has pretty much given up her social life to study for the MCAT this semester so I miss her terribly but know that she has great things in her future. (PS : I can't wait until she takes her test so that I can acutally see her pretty face around)
4. One of my favorite memories of Mary was when I didn't even know her...she was Sally's neighbor and Sally wans't home yet (Sally and I were meeting there) and she let me come in her apartment because she heard me outside. It was sooo nice of her! I don't know if she even remembers that...
5. I love how like natural Mary is...idk really how to say this but like she just has a prescence about her...she is one of those girls thats looks pretty with or without makeup....with her hair done or not sweats or nice clothes....idk how to describe it but im completely envious of her for that!
1. Michael hates when you use his name a lot with speaking...for instance saying What do you think, Michael? he would much rather you just say What do you think? and imply Michael...haha...and I always add the Michael so he pretty much always hates me
2. our dinners! Michael and I have recently started cooking meals for each when we feel like cooking we invite the other over for dinner because its really hard to just make food for one...its pretty delicious!
3. his love for fashion - or rahter the finer things in lifle! Michael is the best ever hook up for like 'in' things! He knows when girls are carrying fake purses and has like VIP access at the Coach store...haha pretty awesome!
4. Blackberry wine! Enough said :) Introduced to us by the wonderful Sally!
5. Michael is also incredibly funny! hahaha he is more direct than Mary...and omgshhhh they bounce off each other so incredibly's really NEVER a dull time around Michael! he is a really good person in general :)
Twins: OKAY sooo i have never met siblings that get along so well as Michael and Mary! They absolutely love each other down to the core and show that to each other daily. They hang out...they talk...they do random little things for each other...they define what a brother/sister or acutally any sibling relationship should look like. I really wish I had the relationship they have with each other with my sister.
oh look...and there's the lovely pair now....

okay i love you both! can't wait to celebrate this weekend!
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