Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Sally!

every time one of my friends have a birthday i have a birthday list telling all you lovelies why i love the birthday person....so this list is dedicated to my twin, Sally! the one i miss so much!

1. i looooove Sally's outlook on life! she always has a care-free, have fun atmosphere. she loves life and its addicting being around her, she is rarely down and rolls remarkably well with the punches we all know life likes to throw atcha!

2. Sally has the prettiest curly hair! I'm usually not a huge fan of curly hair because I either like it curly or straight not the like not put together look ya know? -but Sally really knows how to fix her hair well and its like her defining trait! everyone talks about her pretty pretty curls! iLOVEthem!

3. she really has had a lot of obstacles in her life but she has overcome....she had to deal with some pretty hard stuff as a child i would think but she knows that it has made her stronger and a better person and she is very open and willing to share her stories with others, it's so refreshing...our society tells us to always be strong in front of each other and not show any vulnerability but she is just the opposite...she is very transparent! and i love her!

4. i am really jealous of Sally's relationship with her brother...they are way close! i wish that i had that sort of relationship with my sister - i think that i need to work on my relationship with my sister so that hopefully we can become closer!

5. Sally is my twin in our sorority, meaning that we both got our big at the same time...we pledged the same semester and instantly became friends when we meet our other pledge sisters, i think it was because neither of us pledged as a freshman. then she left me and moved to san marcos...boo! i miss her so much - but i thank her for the time she was in the sorority with me because that year wasn't always the best for me but she was always there to talk to and we would always go to Emmy's (a super cheap Mexican restaurant close to school) and have heart to hearts...i miss being that close!

Happy Birthday Sally!

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