Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Melody!!!

guys im a really really really really bad best my best friend....Melody :( but luckily she understands that my life sorta crumpled on her birthday week so she is getting an extra exciting birthday poster today! only ya know...10 days late! (sorrysorrysorry)

so i think Melody deserves a '20 things i love about Melody' list becasue she is the best and she turned 23 on December 1! I will also try to include as many pictures as possible...hahah...we have a lot over the years...i will have to add some when I get on my other computer as well!

sooooo happy birthday to this girl!

1. I love how Melody doesn't call anyone their acutal NO ONE! Her mom - Frella, me - Abileigh, my mom - Momma S, my dad - Pappa S....haha its kind of ridiculous but I have a weird love for nicknames AND my first name and middle name jammed together! it makes me think that I'm like little Laura from Little House on the Prairie...hahah!

2. i love love love this girls family! they are so funny and so nice to me....they are literally like my other family. I love to just hang out with them - weird right? Especially watching Big Brother with them! hahah and arguing with her Dad! so fun! Here is a pic of me with Melody's family in Playa del Carmen one summer in high school!

3. she has the most adorable little boy in the world! Daniel James. I really believe he has done a lot for her as a person and i can't imagine a cute-r little kid! i love him! Just look at this picture!

4. so Melody kind of brings out my fun, crazy, wild side! I'm usually pretty reserved and conservative but she kinda pushes me out of a good way....not in an over the top way! I think in that sense we are great for each other because we kind of balance each other out! but man would i have been in trouble if Melody went to college with me...jusssayin....this pic is of her and Monique 'dropping' me off at my college dorm room TEAR (this makes me seriously cry)

5. this is a weird thing to like i think but its truth...we weren't exactly friends at first site! we had 7th grade biology together and rode the same bus...i don't know where my dislike for Melody started or where it turned into like either really but haha it cracks me up that i was DEF mean to her on the bus (omgshhhh im evil for that cracking me up) but i think it's cuz i really LOOOOOVED some of the boys on my bus and i didn't want any girl walking up on my turf

6. I LOVE MY BIG BROTHER PARTNER YALL! we are obessed with big brother and we watch after dark and i talk to her about almost every episode....really....big brother consumes my life over the summers and ive realized working full time over the summer is not okay! having a show that you MUST watch every night from 10p-2am is NOT OKAY....but we were hardxcore for awhile! hahah! Big Brother Parties! Keith calling Melody's dad Cappy! hahahhaha! the best!

7. so melody is kind of like a know it all about life! i feel like anytime im like hmmm who does that work i call melody and she knows! like domestic life - she knows, cool new gadgets - she knows and probably owns haha, how to cook chicken - she knows! so proud of her!

8. shes just funny! and she has like an infectious laugh! lol i love her laugh...i wish i had an audible (? WTF i just said that) of her not a stalker i swear...yikes!

9. clothes clothes and more clothes! all available for me to borrow! LOVE! this is shows that she is a very very giving and trusting person!

10. once upon a time she bought me the best christmas present ever that forever changed my life and which i am eternally grateful...MY CHI STRAIGHTENER! What would I have ever done had that not come into my life! I'm not a makeup a straight hair girl...can't live one day without my straightener! hahaha just look in my About Me im obessed! and I owe it all to my BFF!

11. i love that when i am away for a long time due to college and just living in another town and come back home its like we havn't skipped a beat! we are just normal....our friendship really hasn't changed and im really really thankful for that esp when ive been feeling like all my friendships are rocky i know i have that solid ground with Melody and always will....and i can just text her or call her (probably text...i do hate talking on the phone) and she will make me laugh and all my worries will just go away and then i will hang up (or the equivalent in texting land) and miss Tomball and miss my senior year and miss Mexico summer trips!

12. okay so I've had so many wonderful oppurutunities in my life because of Melody and her family! I've seen more than I ever thought I would. They took me to Cancun, Benihana's, Playa del Carmen, George Straight at the Houston Rodeo, a hockey game where we met SpongeBob, Kenny Chesney in tons and tons and tons of stuff that I would never have gotten to do, big or small, I got to do with her!

13. This is a picture from Facebook...but I LOVED this class with Melody...haha! this is so old guys! We both had a little crush on a certain someone in this class so we would always cause trouble with much fun!

14. PROM! only like one of the best nights of my life! i love that we were in the same prom group! ugh it was really amazing and i miss it so much and we looked soooo good that night! i remember getting ready at my house as the limo and everyone else was ALREADY THERE i was still trying to find my shoes and purse and get everything together so I kinda sent Melody out to greet everyone hahahah for once she got ready faster than i did! and i love the picture of Melody me and her dad at my house before prom! idk why but her dad cracks me up like literally he is so funny and that picture is just precious! (yikes there i go again saying crazy things like precious!)

15. Melody has also taken my favorite picture of me ever! hahah it was also from prom hahaha it cracks me up...just look at my face...pissed dude! hahahahha

16. lol all of our middle of the day runs to Chick-fil-a for sweet tea and french fries...haha my all time favorite drink and food! we literally would stop by Chick-fil-a like everyday for a tea fix and we would drink it in like 8 minutes! a LARGE sweet tea! hence my sick addiction to sweet tea! hmmm .... at least now I've moved to half and half right?

17. Melody is one of the best present buyers i know! you know that person that always finds the perfect thing for you and you use it all the time and can't pictures your life without it but prior to owning it you didn't even know you needed it? thats Melody! seriously! it drives me crazy and makes it very very very hard for me to buy her things! but thanks for the gifts your awesome! (oh and I have gifts for your kid at my house from his birthday lololol)

18. okay this girl and her driving! lets talk about that for one i have long hair...did most of high school too...and this girl LOVES to drive fast with the windows DOWN and music blaring! hahaha it kind of drove me crazy sometimes but sometimes when I'm stressed I do that now and think of all the crazy stuff that we did in her truck! hahaha not gross crazy (ew people) we were just very very silly sixteen year olds!

19. i envy her i dont give a eff attitude about people who do her wrong....i wish i could cut people who hurt me or at least stand up to them the way that Melody weak in that area! but Melody is confident in who she is and isn't afraid to tell anyone what she is thinking or how they have hurt her or done wrong by her...honesty is the best policy! not holding it in unitl you explode which is the story of my life...sigh....

20. lastly, Melody is just the most complete all around friend I have ever had. We have shared the best times and worst times of our lives together...we had each other when our grandpa's both died senior year, we celebrated our high school graduation together, we've been through many break ups together and even through marriage and childbirth...haha...its weird but shes the one person i can see in my life forever omgsh sad! i miss her but i think the distance has made our friendship better and stronger and like we know distance wont change anything! hahaha ok ok ok mushy OVER!



Melody said...

I seriously love you Abileigh! & I effing love your blog to me hahaha it's the best & totally made me smile! When I'm stressed I totally blare some Kenny Chesney & think about high school! Everytime I hear "I Go Back" I think of you & our CRAZY adventures! You're the best Abbey I love you!!!

Melody said...

o & im totally loving that u said things in 3's