Friday, February 5, 2010

Pilates Reformer

so i may or may not have told you guys that i have been going to the gym in this new year, and by going to the gym i mean waking up at 530a and going every morning before work and 3 nights a week...and Saturday.  yes i have skipped out on a couple days and yes i had the flu and couldn't work out a few days but basically i have kind of made the gym part of my lifestyle. 

so my gym has this class called Pilates Reformer.  it cost extra. therefore i was super hesitant about signing up for the class...i think paying for a gym membership is enough - why pay more for classes?  but my work out partner really wanted to try Pilates so we went to the free, let me intize you to spend $50 extra for a class, try this crazy apparatus class.

so this has been me the last 4 weeks.  yes i signed up for the class.  yes it kicks my ass every time i work out.  yes my back spasms every class because teacher says Abbey posture.  sometimes i want to just kick her.  but i have found Pilates Reformer really does make you much stronger in your core and really does make you aware of your posture.  i try to sit straighter at work now....i dont try it when im walking...i need to develop some more back muscles for that.  how sad am i ?

but hey im working out!
and i might be starting to love it
but dont tell anyone!

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