Friday, March 12, 2010

i brain you.

a pretty interesting thought overwhelmed me this morning on the eliptical (while watching Saved by the Bell, Zac and Kelly's wedding in Vegas).  Why do people use a heart as a symbol of love?  You don't feel anything in your heart, the heart doesn't control any pleasure centers or release any endorphins or seratonin.  A heart is a muscle. A strong muscle that beats.  BEATS not LOVES.  so when you say i heart you, meaning you love me, all i now think of is i beat you...which is not okay!  this is seriously very intriguing to me and I'm going to figure out how this came to be.

...on antoher note...
i'm boarding a plane headed to Philly tonight and will be in NYC the following afternoon!  im stoked! and prayign that i dont forget anythign and that my camera cards are big enough to hold all the amazing pictures i will be taking! hahah...but really...

by the way you can find my research of the heart here
i mean if your interested
(yes i looked it up....stop're a jerk)


matt/britt said...

I totes don't think you're dorky for looking that up. I google everything. EVERY-THING. haha.

JMay said...

haha, this card is perfection. I def. need to get this :-)

thanks for posting!