Wednesday, April 29, 2009

...cuz a lifetimes not to long to live as friends...

omgsh i havn't blogged in forever - sorry - im just super busy! and im graduating college in 10 days! O - M - G! i have so much to do its not even i dont want to think about the future cuz it will stress me out so i will fill you in on my awesome weekend!

Friday was InterVarsity's end of the year formal! Everyone dressed up and had a really nice dinner together, gave out awards, and danced the night away! I love InterVaristy formals because you can just dance and be stupid and everyone doesn't care - in fact the more stupid you are the more you are accepted and the more fun you have. I bought a new dress to wear to it on Friday - I need like 5 dresses for various events that are coming up so this one was for this formal and for my sorority senior sendoff. It was originally $96 but it rang up for $58! LOVE when that happens! Anyways, here are so pictures from the night!
[InterVaristy Christian Fellowship - UTSA]

[Me, Andrea, Ada and Tiffany]

[Kacie, JC, and I]

After formal, a bunch of us drove to Houston for Corey's birthday and baptism! We didn't get to Houston until 4am! it was pretty insane! I have to says thanks to Lee for keeping me awake for the drive. I had so much fun in Houston. On Saturday I went home to visit my parents then that night we went to a crawfish boil for Corey's birthday, then on Sunday we went to church and Corey got baptized! I am so happy for her! She has been a Christian for awhile now but was never glad i was able to be a part of her celebration weekend! i love her so much! by the way i am camera-less right now so if/when anyone post pics i will upload them :)
[Jennifer, Jenny, Patrick, Isac and I eating crawfish in the rain]

On Monday I officially went alum in my sorority! i was so made graduation really real! i was so emotional and crying all over the place like a crazy girl! i will miss my sisters so much but know that i have made many lifelong friends through it...FMC! We had ten girls go alum! uhh sooo emotional!
Then today, Tuesday, I had to say goodbye to all the InterVarsity people and do my goodbye speech there - again crying like a little girl. It's so sad that it's finally real! It's pretty crazy that you work so hard to get here but once your here you want it to last forever! I don't want to leave the comfort of my college schedule and friends and life! But I will find my way, I will grow, I will be stronger!

Well that is all! tomorrow is my last day of school! then i just have three finals on May 6 and I am done with college forever! I will then have a freakin degree! A BS in Biology! craazzzzy!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


the thing about sewing up a broken heart is that no matter how careful you are with the needle you always seem to poke yourself with the sharp end and create a new little hole from which you bleed

Saturday, April 18, 2009


just took my biochem lab final.....


now on to cell bio lab!!! soo ready to graduate...22 days baby! i just got home from the library...see the thing about take home test is that t hey are take home which means that you can use resources to help you out BUT they are so dang challenging! drives me nuts! been working on a 50 questions test for the past 6.5 hours! insane in the membrane....the nuclear membrane that is....ulk nerd!

so as i have been walking around campus i keep reminding myself you know this might be the last time you have this view of campus...i dont want to not remember what college was like....not so much the memories but like how everything looks and feels. and btw from visiting other colleges ive noticed that my school isn't so ugly for a college...colleges just aren't pretty! hmmmm a couple of pictures of the great UTSA campus :)

(Breezeway between Science Building and Art Building)

(Time mosaic in the Main Building - of what I will be doing soon!)

have a great great weekend everyone!

Monday, April 13, 2009

EaSTeR WeeKeND!!

(on a building next to the campus of The University of Texas)

Easter was this past weekend!!! whoo! I thought Easter was going to be a sad day for me with nothing really to do but mid-week I all of a sudden had plans galore and it turned out to be glorious!

At around 3:30p L and I headed to Austin to UT's AACM (Asian American Campus Ministries) good friday show! It was really a lot of fun! They did like a show where they had a skit from The Office, an acapella group, a dance group, some musicians, a singer, and some speakers. They were all really good and really talented. The Office skit was hilarious! but favorite was like a modern dance skit thing that they did....I don't know really how to describe it but there is a YouTube video of the same skit...I will find it and post it. Keep in mind these aren't the same people I saw k? So we had to leave before 11pm because that's when the parking lot closed so when we were leaving we had to pay but the machine would not accept L's debit card or mine! Also, this was the second machine we had tried! It litterally took us 20 minutes to get out of there and I ended up having to put the bill on my credit card - which my parents pay! <---- YouTube link :)

Went to LaCantera with L Jen and Corey! It was a crappy day! We were all really ready to shop and the crappy weather totally made us not want to once we got there. We did however enjoy a cup of Orange Cup yogurt for lunch! Then we went back to the 7106 to hang out and hung out forever and ever and ever with a Starbucks trip in the middle where I had an unexpected mini meltdown. but all in all it was really fun and I really enjoyed getting to spend time with everybody!

EASTER! Went to church downtown! My church (BRCC) had a huge Easter service downtown where they collected can goods to fill up the San Antonio food bank. It was really cool and very successful! It was supposed to be just be L Cherish and I but it turned out that most of the IV (InterVaristy) crew came out! Then we went to Isac's house and cooked steak and potatoes. Well everyone besides me had a steak, I had a hamburger patty! pretty much because I hate fat and there is always fat next to bones and the steaks had bones! haha good times there! I really miss hanging with IV kids! and the weather Sunday was PERFECT! I hope everyone had a great Easter!!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stretchy Pants...

...are not pants! and require you wear something over them!
trend end please!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Movie Review

hey girl hey....

so im not a huge movie fan but i have seen a few movies in the past week and thought i would share my feelings about them with you...yes you! mmhmmm

So I saw Monsters vs. Aliens the other day. I was really really funny! I would recommend it but I would also recommend it in 3D. I saw it in normal 2D and still had a good time but at parts it was kind of nauseating because it was an awkward view that you could tell would be better in a 3D view. This movie is good for childern and adults and has a good message of self acceptance.

The president of the US in this movie is Steven Colbert....enough said :)

After the group that went to M vs. A saw that movie we went back to the ex's apartment and watched Role Models. hahahah this movie is absolutely hilarous! If you are a movie quoter - you have to see this! It's not crazy stupid funny either so intelligent personalities will enjoy this movie. There is obviously a lot of bad language and some crude parts but overall I really really enjoyed this movie. I really wanna buy it!

Ronnie: Suck it, "Reindeer Games"!
Danny: I'm not Ben Affleck.
Ronnie: You white, then you Ben Affleck.
Wheeler: You *are* white.
Danny: That's true, I am white.

ADVENTURELAND! so the preview makes it out to be this really funny comedy movie. fail - its' not a comedy....don't expect a comedy. I was disappointed by this movie. I would just simply say it was ok. The soundtrack is awesome though so it's not all a lose. There is a lot of weed smoking in this movie! hmmm its pretty indie. But my final decision would be don't spend money to see this in theaters, wait till it comes out on video and rent it :)

PS: i dont know why this pictures came out so much bigger than the other two?

sooooo when you all see these movies let me know what you think mmmmk?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools

Yesterday was the infamous April Fools holiday and I must say I fell victim this year...

I was at work and my friend called me frantic saying that he had just been in a car accident and needed my help. Of course I asked if he was alright and what he needed for me to do. I totally expected that he needed help of some kind or needed a ride due to his car being mangled. False. He said that he had rear ended the person in front of him and needed a witness for when the cops came that the lady he hit pulled out in front of him and he didn't have time to stop. I was like really? I am at work, how am I going to beat the police there, and will it help. My experience with rear end collisions is it's always the persons fault that did the hitting - or thats where the blame falls in the police man's eyes. So I told him you know I'm at work, if you really needed my help I would come out there but not to be a witness I'm sorry. So he got really annoyed with me and said well you call in to the police station and say you saw her pull out in front of me. I said okay but in my head I was thinking that I would just say yes so that I could get back to work and off the phone. So he says okay here is the license plate number:

<---my notebook that im frantically writting down what he is telling me...


And I totally didn't get it! I was like wow thats really long, I think you've made a mistake and he was like okay read it back to me so I'm all like A-P-R-one-L-F...STUUUUUPID! then i said i hate you goodbye have a blessed day and hung up!

i fell for it...hook...line...and sinker my friend...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Mary and Michael!

so in a earlier blog i said i would list things i love about my friends on their birthdays...its michael's and mary's (yes they are twins!) birthdays today and they are turning 21! yayyyy! so i am going to write five things about Michael, five about Mary, and one about them as a pair that i absolutely adore about them!


1. how she can make a long distance relationship work yet isn't consumed by talking to the boyfriend on the phone and what not, she has a life and a boyfriend....more girls should learn from her!

2. Mary is sooo freakin hilarious! Her humor not like out there direct, but like she says the funniest things under her breath or in conjuction with what other people say. It absolutely cracks me up! She is crazy sarcastic as well!

3. Motivated! Mary knows when to go out and have fun and when to stay in and study. She has pretty much given up her social life to study for the MCAT this semester so I miss her terribly but know that she has great things in her future. (PS : I can't wait until she takes her test so that I can acutally see her pretty face around)

4. One of my favorite memories of Mary was when I didn't even know her...she was Sally's neighbor and Sally wans't home yet (Sally and I were meeting there) and she let me come in her apartment because she heard me outside. It was sooo nice of her! I don't know if she even remembers that...

5. I love how like natural Mary is...idk really how to say this but like she just has a prescence about her...she is one of those girls thats looks pretty with or without makeup....with her hair done or not sweats or nice clothes....idk how to describe it but im completely envious of her for that!


1. Michael hates when you use his name a lot with speaking...for instance saying What do you think, Michael? he would much rather you just say What do you think? and imply Michael...haha...and I always add the Michael so he pretty much always hates me

2. our dinners! Michael and I have recently started cooking meals for each when we feel like cooking we invite the other over for dinner because its really hard to just make food for one...its pretty delicious!

3. his love for fashion - or rahter the finer things in lifle! Michael is the best ever hook up for like 'in' things! He knows when girls are carrying fake purses and has like VIP access at the Coach store...haha pretty awesome!

4. Blackberry wine! Enough said :) Introduced to us by the wonderful Sally!

5. Michael is also incredibly funny! hahaha he is more direct than Mary...and omgshhhh they bounce off each other so incredibly's really NEVER a dull time around Michael! he is a really good person in general :)

Twins: OKAY sooo i have never met siblings that get along so well as Michael and Mary! They absolutely love each other down to the core and show that to each other daily. They hang out...they talk...they do random little things for each other...they define what a brother/sister or acutally any sibling relationship should look like. I really wish I had the relationship they have with each other with my sister.

oh look...and there's the lovely pair now....

okay i love you both! can't wait to celebrate this weekend!