Tuesday, December 7, 2010

UFO Club: 25!

one random day, before going to the movies with boyfriend, if I remember right, we decided to go to the Flying Saucer.  And this is the day I had my 25th beer, which is a milestone if I do say so myself because that means that I am 1/8th of the way to the finish line of this journey.  so like if this was a marathon (which I kind of feel like it is in the drinking world) I would be at the 3.275 mile mark...haha okay so that sounds pretty pathetic.  maybe I will never compare my experience to a marathon again....never....

okay so drum roll for number 25 please...dump boop clap bump clunk....(in case you were wondering that was a written drum roll) that was cooler in my head....

(512) Bruin - 2 Stars

So obviously this beer is DARK!  Way dark so I was pretty scared. haha I don't know why it makes me so nervous because honestly I have liked a lot of dark beers that I have tried but still I freak a little.  This beer started out good but quickly turned on me, and hence the 2 stars.  512 brewery is located in Austin (obviously!) just about an hour from San Antonio so it is always fun to drink a local brew.  The bruin is pretty smooth with a rich maltiness to accompany it's mahogany color.  A good winter brew.  

okay so you might be saying to yourself, hmmm what happened to your hair?  how can you even talk about the bruin without addressing your crazy hair first?  okay so this is the truth.  i tried to do some cool hair-do that i saw in style magazine where you braid your hair while wet let it dry in braids and then curl the braids, take them out and to get a very voluminous do.  Well that's a load of bullshit.  All you get is 80's craziness.  So there you go!

yes i realize sometimes i capitalize sentences properly and sometimes i don't....it doesn't bother me, if it bothers you I'M SORRY...it bothers boyfriend but he doesn't say anything.
...because he is awesome!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

hahahahahahaha! i always try to do those stupid braid styles and THAT IS HOW IT ALWAYS TURNS OUT!